Department of Architecture and Building Construction - Research project
Research project
Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the 20th Century in Urban Management (ATRIUM)
- Scope of science: history of architeture, urban development, turism
- Period: 2011-2013
- Participation: Project partner
- Financed by: 85% EU SEE Program, 15% State
- Total cost: 1 932 044 EUR
- Project leader: Prof. Dr. Attila Koppány CSc, full professor +36 96 503-400/3454,
The Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes in Urban Management was an ambitious project, which aimed to put a key element of twentieth-century European history, heritage and memory into greater focus.
The project was made up of 18 partners from 11 different countries from the area of south-east Europe. The partners came from Italy, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Greece, Croatia, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina, and all shared a desire to focus on the architectural heritage of the different totalitarian regimes, which they had experienced in the twentieth century from a cultural and historical point of view.
The aim of ATRIUM was to define and promote a cultural route, which presents the architectural heritage of the totalitarian regimes supporting the tourist and financial development of South East Europe. The project prepared a petition to the European Council in which it requested to be acknowledged as a European Cultural Route.